Magic Candies (2024)

Dong-Dong is a shy and timid boy. He is always hesitant to ask, “Will you play with me?” to a new friend, even though he really wants to. Sometimes he pretends that he is okay with playing alone. One day, Dong-Dong happens to get a bag of magical sweets. Each time he puts a sweet into his mouth he hears the deepest thoughts and feelings of other people, animals and things. Now he could listen to the whining of his dog Goo-Seul-Yi. After listening to his father's thoughts, Dong-Dong learns that although his father always pushes Dong-Dong to do this and that, in fact he truly loves Dong-Dong with all his heart. The experience of listening to diverse thoughts permits Dong-Dong to begin to understand and empathize with other people. And finally, he becomes confident enough to approach a new friend.

ISBN 979-11-986106-1-4(77810)
Premio Andersen 2023